Unwanted Witness - Physical and Digital Security Threats for LGBTQ Ugandans

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The tool or resource found at https://www.unwantedwitness.org/for-lgbt-ugandans-physical-security-threats-often-translate-into-digital-threats-and-vice-versa/ is a comprehensive guide on the physical and digital security threats faced by LGBTQ Ugandans. It is produced by Unwanted Witness, a non-profit organization that focuses on promoting privacy, digital rights, and internet freedom in Uganda.

The tool highlights the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals in Uganda, where homosexuality is still criminalized and discrimination against LGBTQ people is widespread. The resource explains how physical and digital threats often go hand in hand for LGBTQ Ugandans, as physical attacks can lead to compromised digital security and vice versa.

One of the prominent physical threats faced by LGBTQ people in Uganda is violence, including mob attacks and hate crimes. The tool explains how these physical attacks often have a ripple effect on an individual's digital security. For instance, perpetrators may steal personal devices or force someone to reveal their online accounts, compromising their digital privacy and exposing them to further harm. Additionally, the fear of physical attacks may lead LGBTQ individuals to limit their online activities or self-censor their online presence, affecting their digital security and right to free expression.

The resource also highlights the severe digital security threats faced by LGBTQ individuals in Uganda. One of the primary concerns is online harassment and cyberbullying, which can be just as damaging as physical attacks. The tool explains how individuals can be targeted through malicious online campaigns, doxing, and outing, leading to harassment, threats, and cyberstalking. Unwanted Witness has documented several cases of LGBTQ individuals facing online attacks, with some even having to flee the country due to the severity of the threats.

The resource provides practical guidance on how to improve both physical and digital security for LGBTQ Ugandans. This includes tips on securing personal devices, managing online accounts, and using VPNs to protect one's privacy. It also highlights the importance of reporting any physical or digital attacks to the relevant authorities and seeking support from LGBTQ rights organizations.

In conclusion, the tool or resource found at https://www.unwantedwitness.org/for-lgbt-ugandans-physical-security-threats-often-translate-into-digital-threats-and-vice-versa/ serves as a crucial guide for LGBTQ individuals in Uganda to understand and address the interconnected physical and digital security threats they face. It also advocates for greater protection of LGBTQ rights and calls for the government to take

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