National Council of Nonprofits - Cybersecurity for Nonprofits

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This resource, titled Cybersecurity for Nonprofits, provides guidance for nonprofit organizations on addressing cybersecurity risks. It highlights three key activities that indicate the need for increased cybersecurity measures: conducting e-commerce on the organization's website, storing and transferring personally identifiable information (PII), and using cloud services. For nonprofits that engage in e-commerce, such as processing donations or event registrations, the resource emphasizes the importance of implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive financial information. It encourages organizations to adopt secure payment gateways and regularly update their website's security protocols. Furthermore, the resource emphasizes the need for nonprofits to safeguard PII, including donor information and employee records. It highlights the potential risks associated with storing and transferring such data, particularly when utilizing cloud services. The resource suggests implementing encryption and access controls to protect PII from unauthorized access or data breaches. While the article does not provide specific solutions or tools, it serves as a starting point for nonprofits to recognize the importance of cybersecurity and take appropriate steps to mitigate risks. By raising awareness about the potential vulnerabilities associated with e-commerce and PII storage, the resource aims to empower nonprofits to make informed decisions and prioritize cybersecurity within their organizations. In conclusion, this resource offers valuable insights for nonprofits regarding cybersecurity risks and provides a framework for identifying areas that require increased attention. By addressing these risks, nonprofits can enhance their data security practices and protect the sensitive information entrusted to them.

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