Internetmatters - Social Media Advice Hub

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This resource provides a hub of advice to assist families in navigating the potential risks and benefits associated with social media. It addresses common concerns that parents have regarding their children's use of social media platforms.

 One of the main focuses of this resource is on ensuring safe online socialization for children. With a significant percentage of young children owning mobile devices, it emphasizes the importance of staying informed about their online activities and the individuals they interact with. The resource offers further information and support in this regard.
 Additionally, the resource highlights the issue of adult-rated platforms and apps. It acknowledges that many parents and caregivers may not be aware of the types of platforms their children are accessing and the potential risks associated with them. By raising awareness, the resource aims to empower parents to make informed decisions regarding their children's online experiences.
 Overall, this resource aims to provide expert tips and guidance to support families in navigating the complexities of social media. It offers practical advice to help parents address their concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of their children in the digital world.

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