Forescout - Security Automation

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This resource focuses on security automation and its role in policy enforcement and response acceleration across various IT and security products. It addresses the common challenge faced by organizations, where multiple products operate independently without adequate device context or the ability to take immediate action against security risks and threats.

The resource highlights the negative consequences of this fragmented approach, such as alert fatigue in security operations center (SOC) teams, extended vulnerability exploitation time for attackers, and an increased blast radius of threats.

To overcome these challenges, the resource suggests automating routine SOC tasks as a means to combat the cyber skills shortage. By leveraging real-time device context and automation capabilities, organizations can streamline their security operations and response efforts.

While the resource does not provide specific details about the tools or techniques used for automation, it emphasizes the importance of integrating security products and enabling them to work together seamlessly.

Overall, this resource aims to educate organizations about the benefits of security automation in enhancing policy enforcement and accelerating response times. It encourages them to explore automation solutions to optimize their security operations and mitigate the impact of cyber threats.

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