Forescout - OT Security

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This resource focuses on reducing operational and security risks in OT/ICS (Operational Technology/Industrial Control Systems) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) environments. It acknowledges that the convergence of IT, IoT, and OT assets and networks has heightened the complexity and vulnerability of previously isolated OT and ICS networks.

Industrial digitalization has made production environments more reliant on digital systems, necessitating continuous asset discovery, assessment, and governance. This approach helps ensure regulatory compliance and minimizes downtime by enabling the detection and remediation of cyber threats before they result in operational or security incidents.

The resource emphasizes the importance of implementing measures to protect OT and ICS networks from potential cyber threats. By providing continuous monitoring and assessment, it aims to enhance the security posture of industrial environments. This proactive approach helps organizations identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and implement appropriate security controls to safeguard critical infrastructure.

The resource likely offers tools and techniques for asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, and governance in OT/ICS and SCADA environments. It may provide guidance on regulatory compliance and best practices for securing industrial networks. By leveraging these features, organizations can mitigate operational and security risks, ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of critical systems and protecting against potential cyber threats.

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