Forescout - IoT Security

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This resource focuses on IoT security and aims to address the risks associated with the increasing use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in business operations. It highlights the need for a zero trust approach to ensure the security and compliance of every IoT, OT, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), and IT device connected to a network.

The main feature of this resource is Forescout's zero trust approach, which offers actionable visibility and automated risk-based segmentation and compliance enforcement for all connected devices. Notably, this approach does not require the installation of an agent on the devices, ensuring a seamless and efficient security process.

By adopting this resource, businesses can automate IoT security and eliminate blind spots, mitigating the risks associated with an expanding attack surface. The resource emphasizes the importance of securing IoT devices to maintain operational efficiency, automation, and successful digital transformation initiatives.

Overall, this tool provides a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to enhance their IoT security measures. It offers a proactive approach to identify and manage potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the protection of critical systems and data.

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