Forcepoint - Secure Web Gateway

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This resource, called Forcepoint ONE SWG, is a tool designed to provide secure web access and high-speed performance for users. It emphasizes the concept of Zero Trust web access, which aims to ensure safe browsing by going beyond simple categorizations of websites as safe or bad.

Forcepoint ONE SWG offers integration capabilities for secure-container rendering of risky sites, allowing users to securely access any website or download any document without compromising their safety. By implementing a Zero Trust approach, this tool aims to provide a more comprehensive and secure browsing experience.

The main feature of Forcepoint ONE SWG is its ability to provide high-speed performance while maintaining a strong focus on security. It aims to strike a balance between speed and safety, ensuring that users can access websites and download documents quickly without exposing themselves to potential threats.

This resource is available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish. It offers a range of services and support to assist users in effectively utilizing the tool.

Overall, Forcepoint ONE SWG is designed to enhance web security by implementing a Zero Trust approach and providing high-speed performance. It aims to enable users to securely access any website or download any document while minimizing the risk of potential threats.

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