Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange - CCTX - Smart device cyber security - An introduction

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This resource provides an introduction to smart device cyber security. It highlights the convenience and impact of smart devices in our daily lives, such as voice assistants, smart fridges, and thermostats. The article acknowledges that these devices have made mundane tasks easier and more efficient. However, it also emphasizes the potential risks associated with smart devices.

 The resource acknowledges that while smart devices offer convenience, they also pose security challenges. It does not provide specific details about these challenges, but it suggests that there are potential vulnerabilities that users should be aware of.
 The article does not delve into technical details or provide specific solutions for smart device cyber security. Instead, it serves as an introductory piece to raise awareness about the topic. It aims to inform readers about the potential risks associated with smart devices and encourage them to take precautions to protect their privacy and security.
 Overall, this resource provides a brief overview of the impact of smart devices on our lives and the importance of considering cyber security when using them. It serves as a starting point for readers who want to learn more about the topic and take steps to ensure the safety of their smart devices.

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