Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange - CCTX - School of Phish

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This resource, titled School of Phish, aims to educate students about phishing scams and provide tips on how to prevent falling victim to them. The blog post highlights the importance of being aware of phishing scams, particularly for students starting a new academic year. It emphasizes the need to familiarize oneself with common cyber scams in Canada and offers insights into the latest phishing scams and trends.

 The article begins by acknowledging the excitement of returning and new students at the beginning of the academic year. It then introduces phishing as one of the most prevalent cyber scams in Canada. The resource aims to raise awareness about phishing and its potential impact on students' personal and financial security.
 The blog post provides a brief overview of phishing, explaining its concept and significance. It emphasizes the relevance of understanding phishing scams in the context of college and university campuses, which are often seen as trendy and vibrant places. The resource also mentions the importance of staying informed about the latest food crazes and fashion trends, but shifts the focus to the need for awareness and prevention of phishing scams.
 While the article does not explicitly outline specific prevention techniques, it promises to explore ways to prevent phishing scams from happening to readers. Overall, this resource serves as an informative introduction to phishing scams, highlighting their prevalence and the importance of taking precautions to avoid becoming a victim.

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