Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange - CCTX - How (and what) to teach your kids about phishing

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This resource provides guidance on teaching children about phishing and how to protect themselves online. It acknowledges the challenges parents face in monitoring their children's online activities, given the wide range of apps and games available to them. The resource emphasizes the need to educate children about the risks of cybercrime, specifically phishing scams targeted at kids.

 The main objective of this resource is to empower parents with the knowledge and tools to help their children navigate the online world safely. It acknowledges that even with parental controls and locks in place, it can be difficult to manage every aspect of a child's online activity. Therefore, the resource offers practical advice on how parents can teach their kids about phishing and instill good online safety habits.
 The resource likely includes information on what phishing is, common tactics used by cyber criminals to target children, and strategies parents can employ to educate their kids about these risks. It may also provide tips on how to recognize phishing attempts, how to avoid falling victim to scams, and how to report suspicious activity.
 Overall, this resource aims to equip parents with the necessary knowledge and tools to educate their children about phishing and online safety. By doing so, it helps parents empower their kids to make informed decisions and protect themselves from cyber threats.

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