Buzzfeed News - Data Collection and State Surveillance

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Buzzfeed News has created a comprehensive and interactive data collection tool titled " How State Surveillance and Data Collection Put LGBTQ+ People at Risk" that examines the impact of surveillance and data collection on the LGBTQ+ community. This resource highlights the ways in which various forms of surveillance, such as facial recognition technology and social media monitoring, disproportionately affect LGBTQ+ individuals and how their personal information is used against them.

The tool begins with an overview of how state surveillance works, specifically focusing on the different methods used, such as CCTV cameras, electronic tracking devices, and phone monitoring. This section also includes an eye-opening visualization of how much data is collected on individuals within a single day, highlighting the vast amount of personal information that governments and corporations have access to.

Moving on, the tool delves into the ways in which LGBTQ+ individuals are targeted and put at risk through state surveillance. This includes specific examples of how various countries, such as China and Russia, use surveillance to track and persecute LGBTQ+ individuals. The tool also highlights how social media platforms, such as Facebook and Grindr, have been used to gather sensitive information about LGBTQ+ individuals and expose their identities.

One of the most impactful features of this tool is the personal stories and experiences shared by LGBTQ+ individuals who have been affected by surveillance and data collection. These narratives bring a human element to the issue and highlight the real-life consequences of government and corporate surveillance on the LGBTQ+ community.

Additionally, the tool provides resources and recommendations for individuals to protect their personal information and privacy, including using encrypted messaging apps and participating in digital security workshops.

In conclusion, Buzzfeed News' data collection and state surveillance tool is a comprehensive and informative resource that sheds light on a pressing issue affecting the LGBTQ+ community. By providing a combination of data, personal stories, and practical tips, this tool serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of protecting personal privacy in the face of increasing government and corporate surveillance.

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