APWG - eCrime eXchange

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This resource, the APWG eCrime Exchange (eCX), is a trusted repository designed to facilitate the exchange of machine-event and Internet-event data related to common cybercrimes, particularly phishing. Developed by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), the eCX serves as a platform where member organizations can contribute new data and extract information programmatically to enhance their own security applications and forensic routines.

The eCX offers a RESTful API, allowing for seamless integration into programming environments, enabling fast and convenient access to the data. Additionally, it provides a user-friendly Web UI specifically designed for researchers and responders to navigate and analyze the available information.

By leveraging the eCX, organizations can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques employed by cybercriminals in phishing attacks. The repository serves as a valuable resource for enhancing security measures, developing effective countermeasures, and conducting in-depth research on cybercrime.

With its long-standing reputation and extensive data collection, the APWG eCrime Exchange (eCX) is a reliable tool for organizations seeking to bolster their cybersecurity efforts. By utilizing the repository's API and Web UI, researchers and responders can access and analyze the data efficiently, enabling them to make informed decisions and take proactive measures against phishing threats.

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