APWG - APWG Phishing Education Landing Page

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This resource, the APWG CMU Phishing Education Landing Page, serves as a tool to replace phishing pages with redirect links that direct users to educational instruction instead of displaying a confusing 404 message. It was developed by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) in collaboration with the Carnegie Mellon CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS) in 2008.

The purpose of this utility is to provide Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with a means to educate consumers about the dangers of phishing at the most teachable moment - right after they have clicked on a phishing link. By redirecting users to educational content, the resource aims to inform and raise awareness about phishing attacks, helping users to better understand how to avoid falling victim to such scams.

The collaboration between APWG and CUPS brings together expertise in combating phishing and promoting usable privacy and security practices. By leveraging this knowledge, the resource offers a valuable opportunity to inform at-risk users about the theory and operation of phishing attacks.

By replacing the traditional 404 error message with educational content, the APWG CMU Phishing Education Landing Page ensures that users are provided with relevant information to enhance their understanding of phishing threats. This approach helps to empower users to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect themselves against phishing attacks.

Overall, this resource serves as an effective tool to educate users about phishing and promote safer online practices, ultimately contributing to the prevention of phishing-related scams and the protection of user information.

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