Internetmatters - Tackling Radicalisation Facts - Advice

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This resource provides facts and advice on tackling radicalization and extremism, with a focus on protecting children. It acknowledges the possibility that children may encounter individuals or websites that promote extreme views or engage in radicalization. The resource emphasizes the importance of understanding how young people can be targeted and offers guidance on safeguarding children from such influences.

 The main purpose of this resource is to equip parents and caregivers with expert tips to support children in navigating the risks associated with radicalization. It acknowledges that curiosity may lead children to seek out individuals or groups with extreme views, who may then attempt to persuade them to adopt those beliefs or join their cause.
 By providing information and advice, this resource aims to empower parents and caregivers to take proactive measures in protecting their children from radicalization. It highlights the need for awareness and vigilance in monitoring children's online activities and interactions, while also encouraging open communication to address any concerns or signs of potential radicalization.
 Overall, this resource serves as a valuable tool for parents and caregivers seeking to understand and address the risks of radicalization and extremism that their children may encounter. It offers practical guidance and insights to help safeguard children and promote their well-being in an increasingly complex digital landscape.

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