Electronic Frontier Foundation - How to - Use KeePassXC

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This tool, KeePassXC, is a cross-platform password manager that enables users to store all their passwords in one secure location. With the help of a password manager, users can generate and store unique passwords for various websites and services without the need to remember them all. Instead, they only need to remember one master password to access the encrypted password manager database.

It is important to note that KeePassXC should not be confused with similar programs such as KeePassX, KeePass, and KeePass2. While these programs share similar names, they may have different features and functionalities.

By utilizing KeePassXC, users can enhance their online security by creating strong, unique passwords for each account. This reduces the risk of password reuse and potential security breaches. Additionally, KeePassXC is a cross-platform tool, meaning it can be used on different operating systems, making it convenient for users who switch between devices.

Overall, KeePassXC provides a reliable and user-friendly solution for managing passwords securely. With its ability to store and generate complex passwords, users can enhance their online privacy and protect their sensitive information.

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