National Crime Agency CEOP - Children 11-18

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The CEOP is a National Crime Agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for investigating online child sexual exploitation and abuse. The agency has a website that provides resources for children between the ages of 11 and 18, including information on what to do if they are being exploited or abused online. The website also offers a toolkit for parents and guardians to help them protect their children from online predators.

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The "Children 4-7" tool from the National Crime Agency CEOP is a great way for parents to help keep their kids safe online. It provides tips and advice on a variety of topics, ranging from how to set up parental controls to what to do if your child comes across something inappropriate online. In addition, the site also has a number of fun and interactive games and activities that kids can enjoy while learning about online safety. Overall, the "Children 4-7" tool is

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The National Crime Agency CEOP's online safety tool for children aged 8-10 is called "Children 8-10". It is a website that provides advice and guidance to parents and carers on how to keep their children safe online. The website also has a section for children aged 8-10, which includes games and activities to help them learn about online safety. The website is free to use and is available in a number of languages.

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The National Crime Agency's Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) command has launched a new online safety campaign aimed at 11-18 year-olds.

The "Let's Talk about Online Safety" campaign encourages young people to think about their online safety, and provides advice and support on how to stay safe online.

The campaign features a new website, which includes advice on a range of topics, including social networking, gaming, cyberbullying and online grooming

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The National Crime Agency's Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) command has launched a new online tool to help parents and carers keep their children safe online.

The 'Resources for Parents' tool provides parents and carers with the information they need to understand the risks their children may face online, and how to protect them.

The tool contains practical advice on a range of topics, including online grooming, cyberbullying and online gaming.

The launch

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The Socialising Online tool is a National Crime Agency CEOP resource that helps young people understand the risks of socialising online. It gives advice on how to stay safe when using social media and chatting online. The tool also provides guidance on what to do if you are worried about someone you have met online.

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The Dark Web is a collection of websites that are not indexed by standard search engines. These websites can only be accessed using specific software, which makes them difficult to find and track. The content on the Dark Web is also often unmoderated, which means that it can be illegal or harmful.

The Dark Web Explained tool is a resource from the National Crime Agency CEOP that provides information for parents about the Dark Web. It includes an overview of what the Dark Web is

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