Australian Cyber Security Centre - Report and Recover

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The Report and Recover tool or resource is a comprehensive guide provided by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to assist individuals and organizations in reporting and recovering from cyber security incidents. This tool is designed to be a one-stop resource that provides step-by-step instructions and information on what actions to take in the event of a cyber attack or other cyber security incident.

The website begins with a brief overview of the importance of reporting cyber incidents and highlights the role of the ACSC in coordinating Australia's response to cyber security incidents. It also emphasizes the need for a swift response and provides a clear message that no incident is too small to report.

The tool is divided into two main sections: "Report" and "Recover." The "Report" section provides guidance on how to report a cyber security incident to the appropriate authorities, such as the ACSC, the Australian Federal Police, or local law enforcement agencies. It includes a variety of reporting options, including an online form, email, and hotline numbers.

The "Recover" section provides a detailed breakdown of the actions to be taken after a cyber security incident, with step-by-step guidance on how to mitigate the impact of the attack and resume normal operations. This section covers a wide range of incidents, including malware, phishing attacks, ransomware, and password breaches.

Additionally, the website provides resources and links to other useful tools and information, such as cyber security tips, current threat alerts, and information on cyber security training and awareness programs. It also includes a glossary of common cyber security terms and definitions, making it easier for users to understand the technical jargon often associated with cyber security incidents.

Overall, the Report and Recover tool is a valuable resource for individuals and organizations, providing clear and concise guidance on how to respond to cyber security incidents effectively. Its user-friendly design and comprehensive information make it an essential tool for anyone looking to enhance their cyber security preparedness and response capabilities.

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