The Better Business Bureau one-pager - BBB Scam Help One-Pager

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The BBB Scam Help One-Pager is a resource created by The Better Business Bureau (BBB) to help individuals who have fallen victim to a scam. It is a one-page document that provides clear and concise information on what steps to take after being scammed, as well as tips for preventing future scams.

The one-pager begins with a brief introduction explaining the purpose of the document and the importance of reporting scams. It emphasizes that by reporting scams, individuals can help protect themselves and others from falling victim to the same scheme.

The first section of the one-pager outlines the steps to take immediately after being scammed. These steps include contacting the bank or credit card company to report the fraud, changing account passwords, and filing a police report. It also advises individuals to not be embarrassed or ashamed of being scammed, as it can happen to anyone.

Next, the one-pager lists five different types of scams (investment, employment, tech support, romance, and lottery/sweepstakes) and provides a short description of each. This is helpful for individuals who may not be familiar with the various types of scams that exist.

The following section offers tips for preventing future scams, such as being cautious of unsolicited offers or requests, researching companies before doing business with them, and hanging up on suspicious phone calls.

The one-pager also includes contact information for various organizations and agencies that can provide further assistance, such as the Federal Trade Commission, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, and local law enforcement.

One of the most helpful aspects of the one-pager is the "Quick Reference Guide" on the bottom half of the page. This section provides a checklist of actions to take after being scammed, as well as a list of warning signs to look out for when receiving unsolicited offers or requests.

Overall, the BBB Scam Help One-Pager is a valuable tool for individuals who have been scammed. It offers clear and concise advice on what steps to take and provides useful resources for further assistance. The one-pager is easy to understand and can be used as a quick reference guide for preventing and reporting scams.

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