- DoD Releases Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Strategy

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The Department of Defense (DoD) has recently released the Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Strategy, a comprehensive tool or resource aimed at enhancing the cybersecurity posture of the defense industrial base (DIB). This strategy was developed in recognition of the growing cyber threats facing the DIB, which consists of companies and organizations that design, develop, manufacture, and maintain systems and components for the DoD.

The resource, available on, is a detailed document that outlines the key priorities and objectives of the DoD when it comes to safeguarding the DIB against cyber attacks. It highlights the importance of strengthening partnerships between the DoD and the DIB, as well as the need for collaboration and information sharing to effectively address cybersecurity threats.

The strategy is organized into four main pillars: enhance DIB cybersecurity, increase information sharing, develop and deploy new cybersecurity capabilities, and strengthen the cyber workforce. Each pillar outlines specific actions and initiatives that the DoD will undertake to achieve its objectives, such as implementing strong authentication measures, conducting risk assessments, and establishing trusted relationships with the DIB.

One of the key highlights of this resource is the emphasis on proactive measures. The DoD recognizes that traditional cybersecurity approaches of reactive defense are no longer sufficient in the rapidly evolving threat landscape. As a result, the strategy focuses on adopting a more proactive and outcomes-based approach to cybersecurity.

Moreover, the strategy also addresses the current challenges faced by small and medium-sized businesses in the DIB, which may not have the resources or expertise to implement the necessary cybersecurity measures. The DoD aims to provide support and resources to these businesses to ensure they are adequately protected from cyber threats.

Overall, the Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Strategy serves as a comprehensive guide for the DoD and the DIB to work together towards a more resilient and secure defense industrial base. It highlights the need for a coordinated and collaborative effort to stay ahead of ever-evolving cyber threats and protect the critical national security assets of the United States.

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