LinkedIn - QueerInCyber

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The QueerInCyber tool or resource is a platform created by LinkedIn to support and empower the LGBTQ+ community in the technology and cybersecurity industry. This project is part of LinkedIn’s broader commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The QueerInCyber platform can be accessed through LinkedIn’s showcase page, which features regular posts and updates related to LGBTQ+ issues and events in the tech and cybersecurity world. It also serves as a networking hub for professionals and students who identify as LGBTQ+ and are interested in pursuing careers in these fields.

One key feature of QueerInCyber is its Resource Center, which provides a wide range of resources to help LGBTQ+ individuals thrive in the technology and cybersecurity industry. These include articles, webinars, and videos on topics such as inclusive workplace policies, overcoming bias, and career development tips.

In addition, the platform offers a mentorship program, connecting LGBTQ+ professionals with experienced mentors from the industry. This mentorship program aims to provide support, guidance, and networking opportunities for individuals at various stages of their career journey.

Another important aspect of QueerInCyber is its job board, which lists job opportunities from companies committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This not only provides a platform for employers to showcase their inclusive practices but also helps LGBTQ+ job seekers find job opportunities with companies that align with their values.

Through this platform, LinkedIn hopes to create a safe and supportive community for LGBTQ+ individuals in the technology and cybersecurity industry, helping them overcome the unique challenges they may face in their careers. It also serves as a valuable resource for companies to learn about and implement more inclusive practices in their workplaces.

Overall, QueerInCyber is a valuable tool and resource for the LGBTQ+ community in the technology and cybersecurity industry, promoting diversity, inclusion, and progress in these fields.

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