Human Rights Watch - Why We Became Activists

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The "Why We Became Activists" tool or resource can be found on the Human Rights Watch website, specifically in the report titled "Violence Against Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women and Non-Binary People in Brazil." This tool features stories from LGBTQ activists in Brazil, sharing their personal experiences and reasons for becoming activists in the fight against violence and discrimination towards LGBTQ individuals.

The tool starts off with an overview of the current situation in Brazil for LGBTQ individuals, highlighting the alarming rates of violence against them and the lack of proper government response and support. It then proceeds to introduce the personal stories of five different activists, each representing a different aspect of the LGBTQ community (lesbian, bisexual, queer, non-binary, and transgender).

Each activist's story is accompanied by a short video presentation, in which they share their own experiences of discrimination, violence, and their journey towards becoming activists. These personal narratives add a powerful and emotional component to the tool, making it more relatable and impactful.

The tool also features a series of infographics, presenting statistics and data on the prevalence of violence towards LGBTQ individuals in Brazil. These infographics help to contextualize the activists' stories and provide a clearer understanding of the extent of the issue.

In addition, the tool provides resources and information for those who want to take action and support the cause. This includes links to relevant organizations and initiatives in Brazil, as well as suggestions for ways to get involved and support the LGBTQ community.

Overall, the "Why We Became Activists" tool is a powerful and informative resource that sheds light on the struggles and triumphs of LGBTQ activists in Brazil. By sharing personal stories, data, and resources, it not only raises awareness about the issue of violence against LGBTQ individuals but also inspires and empowers others to join in the fight for equal rights and justice.

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