Wipfli - Cybersecurity 101 - What does it Involve and What Should you Invest in

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Wipfli's Cybersecurity 101: What does it Involve and What Should you Invest in? is a must-read for anyone looking to beef up their cybersecurity knowledge. The article covers the basics of what cybersecurity involves, as well as the different types of attacks and how to protect yourself from them. It also includes a helpful infographic that outlines the steps you should take to create a cyber-safe environment for your business. Whether you're just getting started with cybersecurity or you're

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Cybersecurity Services is a Wipfli cybersecurity consulting service that helps businesses identify and manage cybersecurity risks. The service includes a comprehensive assessment of the company's cybersecurity readiness, development of a customized cybersecurity program, and ongoing monitoring and support. The service is designed to help businesses protect their confidential data, comply with industry regulations, and avoid costly cyberattacks.

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The Microsoft Secure Score is a free online tool that helps businesses assess their cybersecurity posture and identify areas for improvement. The tool provides a score based on how well a company is doing in several key areas, including patch management, user account security, and data protection. The Secure Score can be used to benchmark a company's progress over time and to compare against other businesses.

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This resource focuses on the challenges faced by financial institutions in today's competitive landscape. It highlights the expertise, trust, and value that financial institutions require to navigate regulatory pressure, enhance financial performance, increase shareholder value, and retain market share and employees. The professionals at Wipfli specialize in serving financial institutions and bring firsthand experience from working within the industry. They understand the unique challenges faced by financial institutions and aim to provide tailored solutions to help organizations succeed. The main features of this resource include constant communication and value-driven consultation. By maintaining open lines of communication, Wipfli ensures that financial institutions receive ongoing support and guidance. Their value-driven consultation approach emphasizes delivering solutions that align with the specific needs and goals of each organization. With a deep understanding of the financial industry, Wipfli's professionals are dedicated to helping financial institutions overcome their challenges. By leveraging their expertise, they aim to assist organizations in achieving their objectives and thriving in a competitive market. Overall, this resource offers financial institutions a trusted partner that understands their unique needs and provides valuable insights and solutions. Through constant communication and value-driven consultation, Wipfli aims to support financial institutions in their pursuit of success.

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The article discusses five ways to increase cybersecurity, which are: 1) using strong passwords, 2) using two-factor authentication, 3) backing up data, 4) being aware of phishing scams, and 5) keeping systems updated. Strong passwords are important because they make it more difficult for hackers to gain access to accounts. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second piece of information, such as a code, in addition to a password. Backing up

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The tool How CEOs can be Proactive in Cybersecurity is a guide that helps CEOs to prioritize cybersecurity. It includes tips on how to create a culture of security, how to communicate with the board about cybersecurity, and how to allocate resources. The guide also includes a checklist of items that CEOs should consider when prioritizing cybersecurity.

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This tool helps organizations prepare for their first IT audit. It covers key topics such as understanding the audit process, identifying the scope of the audit, and gathering the information needed to complete the audit. The tool also includes a checklist to help ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to prepare for the audit.

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The Wipfli How to Protect your Business from Ransomware tool is designed to help businesses protect themselves from the threat of ransomware. The tool provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement various security measures, including creating backups, implementing security software, and training employees on how to identify and respond to ransomware attacks. The guide also includes a checklist of action items for businesses to take in the event of a ransomware attack.

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The Wipfli Investing in Cybersecurity Pays Dividends tool is an online resource that helps small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) understand the benefits of investing in cybersecurity. The tool includes a return on investment (ROI) calculator that allows businesses to enter their own data to see how much they could potentially save by investing in cybersecurity. The calculator takes into account factors such as the number of employees, the type of business, and the risk level of the

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In the wake of the Equifax breach and other high-profile data breaches, organizations are looking for ways to better protect their data. One way to do this is through multifactor authentication (MFA), which is an authentication method that requires more than one factor to verify a user's identity.

MFA can be used to protect both physical and digital assets. For example, an ATM might require a user to enter their PIN as well as their bank card. Or, a website

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The Top Cybersecurity and IT Assessment Tools for Nonprofits is a Wipfli guide that covers the top 12 cybersecurity and IT assessment tools for nonprofits. The guide includes information on the features and benefits of each tool, how to get started with each tool, and pricing. The guide also includes a link to a free webinar on cybersecurity for nonprofits.

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